
Playground Depot | Blog | Commercial Playground Equipment

Creative Sparks: Igniting Confidence and Resilience in Young Children
Fri, Apr 26, 24 . Austin Stanfel
In the developmental journey of young learners, fostering confidence and resilience is paramount. The arts, encompassing various forms of creative expression such as music, dance, visual arts, and drama, offer a dynamic platform for nurturing these essential qualities. This article delves into the profound impact of integrating arts education in early childhood settings, exploring how it cultivates confidence and resilience in the youngest learners. Understanding Early Childhood Development: Early childhood, a critical development phase, lays the foundation for a child's future growth and well-being. Children undergo rapid cognitive, emotional, and social transformations during this period. It is a time when...

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Bridging the Gap: Park Equity as a Pillar of Environmental Justice
Wed, Apr 17, 24 . Austin Stanfel
Parks are more than just patches of greenery within urban landscapes; they are essential components of healthy communities, providing spaces for recreation, relaxation, and connection with nature. However, not all communities have equal access to parks and green spaces. Disparities in park distribution and quality often reflect broader inequities related to race, income, and historical development patterns. This article explores the concept of park equity within the environmental justice framework, examining the root causes of disparities and strategies for achieving more equitable access to parks for all. Understanding Park Equity Park equity refers to the fair distribution of parks and...

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Cushioning Falls, Protecting Smiles: The Importance of Playground Resurfacing for Child Safety
Tue, Apr 02, 24 . Austin Stanfel
Playgrounds are essential for children's physical, cognitive, and social development. However, they also pose inherent risks, with injuries common. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 200,000 children are treated annually in emergency departments for playground-related injuries in the United States alone. Injuries range from minor cuts and bruises to more severe fractures and concussions. One crucial factor in mitigating these risks is playground resurfacing. This article explores the importance of playground resurfacing as a critical safety measure to reduce injuries. Understanding Playground Surfaces Playground surfaces play a significant role in determining the level of safety...

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The Outdoor Antidote: Unveiling the Mental Health Benefits of Parks
Fri, Mar 29, 24 . Austin Stanfel
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where concrete jungles dominate the landscape, the importance of access to parks and the outdoors cannot be overstated. Beyond providing a space for recreation and leisure, parks play a pivotal role in promoting mental well-being in our communities. This article delves into the multifaceted benefits of accessible green spaces, exploring their profound impact on mental health and overall quality of life. Nature's Therapeutic Power: Nature has long been recognized for its therapeutic effects on the human psyche. The term "biophilia," coined by renowned biologist E.O. Wilson, refers to the inherent human tendency...

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Adventures in Learning: The Magic of Self-Guided Play Outdoors
Mon, Mar 25, 24 . Austin Stanfel
In a world increasingly dominated by structured education and organized activities, the importance of self-guided learning, particularly in outdoor environments, cannot be overstated. Outdoor play areas serve as dynamic learning environments where children can explore, experiment, and engage with their surroundings in a natural and unstructured manner. This article delves into self-guided learning in outdoor play areas, exploring its benefits for child development and how it fosters curiosity, creativity, and resilience. The Nature of Self-Guided Learning Self-guided learning, or self-directed or independent learning, refers to how individuals take control of their learning experiences. This form of learning occurs organically in...

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Innovative Play Spaces: The Rise of Customized Community Playgrounds
Tue, Jan 30, 24 . Austin Stanfel
Playgrounds have always been the heart of any community, offering a space where children can unleash their creativity, build friendships, and engage in physical activities. As communities evolve, so do the expectations and demands for recreational spaces. In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward custom playgrounds designed to meet the unique needs of a specific community. This article explores why custom playgrounds are the best choice for creating a dynamic and inclusive community space. Tailored to Community Needs: One of the most compelling reasons to opt for a custom playground is the ability to tailor the design...

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Growing Up Green: The Evolution of Nature-Based Playgrounds
Mon, Jan 22, 24 . Austin Stanfel
Playgrounds have long been a staple in communities, providing children with spaces to socialize, exercise, and develop essential motor skills. Traditionally, these spaces have been characterized by brightly colored plastic structures, rubberized surfaces, and metal equipment. However, a growing movement has advocated for a shift towards greener, more nature-based playgrounds in recent years. This shift is driven by the recognition of the numerous benefits that nature-based play brings to children's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This article will explore the reasons behind the push for more nature-based play, its benefits, and examples of successful implementations. The Need for Nature-Based Play...

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Transforming Your Outdoor Space with Pavilions, Gazebos, and Shade Structures
Wed, Jul 12, 23 . Austin Stanfel
Outdoor pavilions, gazebos, and shade structures are popular outdoor features with many uses and benefits. They are often used in parks, gardens, public spaces, and private homes. These structures provide shade and shelter from the sun, rain, and other weather elements, allowing people to enjoy the outdoors in comfort. This article will explore the many uses and benefits of outdoor pavilions, gazebos, and shade structures. Uses of Outdoor Pavilions, Gazebos, and Shade Structures Outdoor Entertaining: Outdoor pavilions and gazebos provide a perfect setting for outdoor entertaining. They offer a comfortable and stylish space to host parties, barbecues, and other gatherings....

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Why Adventurous Play is More Than Just Fun and Games
Tue, Jul 04, 23 . Austin Stanfel
Play is an essential part of a child's development. Children learn, explore, and discover the world through play. While all types of play have their benefits, adventurous play, in particular, can be incredibly beneficial for children. Adventurous play involves taking risks and trying new things, which can be scary but also exhilarating. This article will explore the benefits of adventurous play and why it is essential for children's development. What is Adventurous Play? Adventurous play is any activity that involves an element of risk or challenge. This can include climbing trees, exploring new places, and playing rough-and-tumble games. Adventurous play...

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Why the Emergent Curriculum Approach Works for Early Childhood Education
Mon, Jun 26, 23 . Austin Stanfel
The Emergent curriculum is an approach to early childhood education that emphasizes the child's interests and experiences as the starting point for learning. This approach recognizes children as active, curious learners with unique interests, needs, and abilities. The teacher's role is to facilitate and support the child's learning by providing a rich and engaging environment that encourages exploration, discovery, and creativity. The Emergent Curriculum Approach An emergent curriculum is a child-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of the child's experiences and interests in shaping the curriculum. Rather than a pre-determined set of lessons or activities, the curriculum emerges from the...

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Things To Consider When Choosing a Location For Your Community Park
Tue, Apr 04, 23 . Austin Stanfel
People of all ages can enjoy a variety of parks because they are everywhere. What should be the location of these parks? Here are some tips for choosing a park location if you need help determining where to put one. Think About Who You Want At Your Park Which age group will be visiting the park? An open space without trees will be needed to create an outdoor playground for toddlers. Giving children a little space to wander outside the park is essential. However, if you want to target older kids, you should build the park in a larger space...

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Top No Contact Games For Children
Fri, Mar 31, 23 . Austin Stanfel
Finding games that allow people to be active and maintain distance simultaneously can be challenging. Some games and activities will help youth groups disengage from social media. Look at some great outdoor games children will love to play without touching. Give Us A Clue This is a great game to play in warm weather or when you want to relax. Everyone has to guess the title of a book, film, song, television show, or play that one individual acts out. Imagine yourself drawing a square in the air for TV, winding an old-fashioned camera for film, miming curtains opening for...

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Ways To Entertain Your Toddler In Parks
Tue, Mar 28, 23 . Austin Stanfel
Playgrounds are a great way to connect with your neighbors and families, but there is always a feeling that the high swings and slides might be dangerous for your little one. Hence not all parks are toddler friendly. There are many other ways to keep your toddler busy. What are some of the great playground activities for toddlers? We have some recommendations. In this article, we explore as many playground activities as possible. Continue reading the article to learn more. 5 Ways To Keep Your Toddler Busy In Parks: Here are five ways to keep your toddler entertained without the...

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Ways To Promote Good Health In Children
Tue, Mar 21, 23 . Austin Stanfel
A child's physical and psychological stability will be tested at every growth phase, from infancy to teenage, because raising kids is not simple. Children who receive appropriate health promotion will be better able to form enduring bonds, communicate clearly, and adjust to change as they mature. Knowing whom to talk to and where to obtain support is crucial if your child is struggling with a mental or physical health condition. This article will discuss a few ways to promote good health among children. Promotion Of Good Health Among Children: The worrisome prognosis that people born in this generation will not...

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What a Playground Can Do for Your Community of Faith
Thu, Mar 02, 23 . Austin Stanfel
A welcoming worship space is a special place for families to worship, learn, engage with each other, and relax. In addition to improving your congregation's image in the community, playground equipment provides additional benefits for parents and kids and can attract new families. The following are five reasons you should consider building or upgrading your playground equipment near your place of worship. Creates a Family-Friendly Gathering Place Children may enjoy the playground mostly, but it can also serve a purpose for everyone. Consider adding benches and picnic tables to your playground when purchasing playground equipment. Having outdoor socials in the...

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What Is The Best Way To Design A Community Playground?
Wed, Mar 01, 23 . Austin Stanfel
Are you planning to build a community playground? Many factors need to be taken into account when designing a playground. How do you begin? There is no need, to begin with, stress. Boosting the local community growth is one of the main benefits of playgrounds for communities because they encourage child growth and community engagement. Check out the rest of this article to learn more about how a playground is built. Age Appropriateness A separate play area should be set up for kids from 6 to 23 months, 2 to 5 years, and 5 to 12 years old. When designing...

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Commercial Shade Structures
Wed, Dec 21, 22 . Austin Stanfel
A protected outdoor space can offer people of all ages an opportunity to engage in recreational activities, sports, and businesses, a way to provide products and services, as well as other excellent benefits. Commercial shade can provide customers with much-needed protection when the weather warms up. It is widely used across various industries, such as restaurants and hospitality, resorts, parks, water parks, and sports grounds. Benefits of Commercial Shade Structures A shade cover or structure can improve the comfort of outdoor areas such as pools, playgrounds, stadiums, and open spaces by providing a wide range of benefits. Shades the area:...

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Choosing The Right Outdoor Seating For a Playground
Fri, Dec 16, 22 . Austin Stanfel
Children can play outdoors in various settings, including schools, local parks, community centers, and resorts. Our childhood memories of play often cross our minds as we recall some of our fondest childhood moments and account for a crucial part of our learning and development. Children can explore, experiment, and learn on playgrounds, which is one of their most significant advantages. Why Is Outdoor Seating Important? You can maximize the use of your playground space by installing the right outdoor furniture and playground equipment. Likewise, it is crucial to ensure children have a safe and clean play area by installing practical...

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Assessing Playgrounds After Extreme Weather
Tue, Nov 22, 22 . Austin Stanfel
The aftermath of a weather disaster can be catastrophic. It is not just homes and businesses that suffer property damage from extreme weather - entire communities are affected, including parks and playgrounds. Children who enjoy playgrounds and use them for physical activity can be disappointed when they see playgrounds damaged. To ensure children have a safe place to play, weather-damaged playgrounds should be repaired in schools and public parks as soon as possible. Taking the following four steps before reopening your playground after severe weather is essential. Close Your Playground to the Public When severe weather damages your playground, the...

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5 Reasons You Need To Get Your Playground Inspected Today
Mon, Nov 21, 22 . Austin Stanfel
When was your kid's public playground inspected for any problems? Not getting your kid's playground inspected is the most significant negligence from the parents. This means you have no idea what potential hazards your kids are subjected to. Today's blog post will describe five reasons you should regularly inspect your kids’ playgrounds. 1.Ensures Safe Play Environment For Your Kids If you are unaware of the potential hazards your playground poses to your kids' safety, it is most likely that your kids are too. Moreover, god forbid they can run into an accident because of this. So to make sure your...

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4 Things You Need To Know About Attracting Diverse Visitors Improves Your Community
Fri, Nov 11, 22 . Austin Stanfel
Have you ever heard of socioeconomic mixing? It brings people from various racial and ethnic backgrounds together in a public place. And what better place for diversity could there be other than a kids' playground? What are you thinking? Do you feel perplexed as to why there is a need for diverse visitors for your community and how it can be helpful? Let us show you its importance in these four simple points. 1. Why Should You Make Efforts To Attract Diverse Populations To Any Place? Having economically, religiously, geographically, racially, and ethnically diverse populations together in a public place is...

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4 Most Asked Questions About Choosing Age-Appropriate Playground Equipment
Thu, Nov 10, 22 . Austin Stanfel
What did you just say? Did you know that age-appropriate playground equipment was a thing? You have to be kidding us. Kids of different ages need different kinds of playground accessories that suit their body types and help in their cognitive development. We explain it further, so keep reading till the end. 1.Why Is Buying Age-Appropriate Playground Equipment Important? Would you wear clothes from your childhood years? You cannot, right? Even if you fit in, they wouldn't be comfortable, and you won't like how they feel. If you cannot wear clothes made for children, how can kids of different ages...

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4 Easy Ways You Can Teach Your Children About Germs To Help Keep Them Safe
Tue, Nov 08, 22 . Austin Stanfel
Today's blog post discusses four easy ways to educate your children about germs and keep them safe from unwanted diseases. Let us dive into details! 1.Make It Fun How about you turn germs into anime characters or something creative? The goal is to make the topic fun for your children to be interested in but not too fun so that they might take it easy. How about you take one character from whatever cartoon your youngsters love and tell them how they fought with germs and why it is so important? 2.Do not Use Complicated Terms Scientific terminologies are excellent,...

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Differences between Commercial Play Equipment and Residential Play Equipment
Fri, Nov 04, 22 . Austin Stanfel
Playground equipment comes in all different shapes and sizes. However, throughout the years, some varieties of playground equipment have become more popular than others. The quality of materials differs for separate equipment. Residential play equipment is usually for children in a family house, used by kids and other people. Moreover, residential play equipment is also affordable, compared to commercial play equipment, because of the quality of material used in it. You can find commercial play equipment at schools, parks, community playgrounds, and supplementary places accessible to the general public. 3 Key Difference Between Commercial Play Equipment and Residential Play Equipment...

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Outdoor Fitness Zones for Adults
Wed, Apr 27, 22 . frank martin
How many times in life have you heard about lifestyle modifications? It is a word that comprises fitness and practical lifestyle changes. Fitness is the key to a healthy life. Different communities of the world have different ways of dealing with daily exercise and fitness routines. Certain ideas can make it easy and possible! Here we will let the readers know why fitness and health are directly related and promote outdoor fitness zones. The cogency of this aspect is elaborated below. Designing of Outdoor fitness zones and Their Assembly Planning is the first step to achieving, and design can give...

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Role Of Parks And Importance Of Recreational Places In Our Communities
Tue, Apr 26, 22 . frank martin
Do play and recreational parks only entertain or offer joy to the people of modern communities? No, there's a lot more than that! In today's advanced world, where a vast number of health risks have been developed, outdoor activity plays a crucial role in the life of people of all ages.   Let it be sunbathing and having the benefits of vitamin D, inhaling refreshed air, or boosting physical activity. All can be done in recreational spots and parks. These activities have become the norm of several families in every community leading towards a healthy lifestyle. In addition, green spaces...

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Solution to Homelessness - The Role of Parks and Recreation
Wed, Apr 20, 22 . frank martin
Parks and recreation are an essential part of a community. They have a significant impact on the mental and physical health of people. Parks also have a role in sheltering homeless people and providing them with basic facilities. There are numerous causes of homelessness, and it is a very complex issue, but different organizations are making strategies to:  Provide different solutions to reduce homelessness Support the community and homeless people Provide the people with telephone and other social services  The Possible Causes Of Homelessness And Its Solution: Homelessness is a worldwide problem caused by many invincible problems, including financial hardship,...

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Why Is Playtime Important for Grown Ups
Tue, Apr 12, 22 . frank martin
We all love to hear cackling, giggling, and screams of joy from kids playing. This joyous moment brought back to our childhood fun. Just because we are mature doesn't make the plays worthless. Most of us focus on work and family commitment in our hectic lives, and there seems to have no time to rejuvenate our childhood times. Whenever we get spare time, we like to zone out in front of the TV or computers to have fun. The play is as valuable for you as for a kid. The play could be simply making snow dolls, throwing snow, fetching...

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5 Ways to Bring Families to Your Community
Mon, Dec 13, 21 . frank martin
The first thing  that families look for when searching for a place to settle down is the community. What is the town like? Is there anything that interests them? They want to feel safe, especially at home. If they are a young family or new parents looking for the perfect home, they will consider community engagement. Ideally, they want to plant roots for their kids to grow up in a good area and have good social skills. This is why it is essential to transform your community and make sure that it attracts people of all ages. The main thing...

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5 Surprising Benefits of Teaching a Class Outside
Wed, Nov 03, 21 . Austin Stanfel
As any teacher knows, students must be actively involved in their learning to retain information. Otherwise, they may become sidetracked, causing disruption in the classroom and getting distracted from instruction time. In this era of Zoom Classes, the World Health Organization has recommended an out-of-the-box way of learning – Outdoor Classes. We're spending more time indoors and in front of a screen than ever before as technology continues to infiltrate our daily lives. Outdoor classroom settings are the only method for schools to continue in-person learning throughout the pandemic. Even though this is a pandemic measure, studies have indicated that...

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What Makes A Safe Playground
Wed, Apr 28, 21 . jason walter
Playgrounds are popular to children because it gets them out of the house and has them in their element away from parents. They are active and stimulates their mind when engaging with others. Playgrounds are fun for them and less stress for the parents because they can expend their energy sitting on the bench. This should give parents the peace of mind they desire with children and playtime, but they are not in the clear yet. Playgrounds must be watched over carefully for anything dangerous because playground injuries are common. Sometimes, the safety of the playground comes from the parents...

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How to Keep The Spirit of Play Alive During Distance Learning
Wed, Apr 07, 21 . Austin Stanfel
Many people think learning and fun cannot go hand in hand. To them, learning time should be taken seriously, and all forms of play should be discouraged. But I'm afraid I have to disagree with this school of thought. According to studies, a child is more likely to retain information taken in when having fun. So the best practice would be to combine learning with play. Learning can be made to be fun in many different ways.However, one major challenge you will face is getting the children to sit back and be attentive. It is challenging during distance learning. But...

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Coronavirus and Kids_ How to Answer their Questions
Tue, Mar 30, 21 . Austin Stanfel
When you think about children and their questions, you usually ponder over how to answer curious minds about different genders, career choices, or their cat dying. However, since the beginning of 2020, a question no one was prepared for started emerging: what is the Coronavirus?Covid-19 has impacted our everyday lives. Whether it was in the way they went to school, saw their family, played with friends, or even participated in weekend activities; everything has changed dramatically for children. Even toddlers who might be too young to know what's going on will have a long list of questions about all the...

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10 Ways That Play Builds Future Pioneers
Mon, Mar 15, 21 . Austin Stanfel
Unstructured playtime is essential for your child’s development. Encouraging your little ones to play will help them become responsible and successful in life. Play helps children develop specific skills that can help them succeed in life and become our future pioneers.For instance, certain games require children to think critically. Sometimes, they even invent new games and make the rules for playing them. In the process, they develop problem-solving and other valuable skills they will need in life. Here are ten ways that play builds up your child to become a pioneer.1.Play Enables Critical ThinkingSometimes children choose to invent a new...

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The Keys for A Perfect Playground
Mon, Feb 22, 21 . Austin Stanfel
Playgrounds have existed for 170 years since the first purpose-built public playground opened in England. As it was meant to be built back then, the playground functions as a child's getaway in every major park in the world. Playgrounds are their free space without judgment that they can rule on their own without the parents there to watch. But all playgrounds are not made equal as modern playgrounds are bigger and more advanced. That means more money and not all local parks can afford the big stuff, but to have the basics means a perfect playground.First, a perfect playground must...

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Reasons for Kids Loving The Playground Slides
Mon, Jan 25, 21 . Austin Stanfel
The commercial slide of various designs is one of the most common types of equipment which you can find in any playground in the world. Here, you can witness the sight of several youngsters eagerly waiting with excitement to enjoy the fun and fast slide. In their immature stage, children love to explore all the things and want to experience the thrill without fearing anything. This forms a vital part of their learning process.The parents are generally worried in this case, thinking that the children might get injured because of which it becomes a supervised behavior. Despite this, you can...

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Importance of Baby Playgroup
Mon, Jan 11, 21 . Austin Stanfel
It is not always possible that your friends will be interested in your baby dwindles. After a certain point of time, except you, no one is eager to hear your baby's gurgling noises. Even your mother would be least interested when you start describing the pacifier shapes to her. So, what can parents do in such a scenario? The playgroup is the best option for this situation. It doesn't matter what background you are from, and you will come in contact with people who belong to the same phase of the life in which you are in. These are someone...

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Impact of a Play Desert and Its Prevention
Thu, Dec 31, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Lack of a safe playground where children can have fun is almost a non-existent thing for American children. Though this seems to be unbelievable, it is the bitter reality that can be seen in a lot of places. Such areas with no playground are termed as "play desert" by the urban planners and municipal leaders. It is because the residential areas have many children, but there is no playground for them within a walkable distance of half-mile, excluding the barriers such as roadways.The recreational deserts are mainly found in urban areas because of the high maintenance cost of safe playgrounds....

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Protection Of The Playground From Sun
Thu, Dec 17, 20 . Austin Stanfel
The playground is the best place for children to interact with other children. Their skills develop when they come across numerous challenging situations. To ensure their safety while playing, the equipment should be installed correctly, and the area is kept clean to keep it hygienic. These are certain things that are generally looked after in every playground to create a healthy playing environment that provides full scope for self-development. But besides all these advantages that playground offers to children, there is a hidden risk which we often forget to think of. This is the scorching heat of the sun which...

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The Difference Between An Accessible And An Inclusive Playground
Thu, Nov 26, 20 . Austin Stanfel
When designing or renovating a playground, there are multiple things to consider. For example, you need to make sure that you use high-quality equipment that will last for a long time. Also, find the type of people who will be using the equipment. You should try to make your playground as inclusive as possible for people with disabilities. Let's look at some of the ways that you can do this. First, let's look at the legal requirements that apply when building or renovating a playground. In 1990, the government passed legislation to ensure that the playground is accessible for people...

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The Psychological Importance Of Play
Mon, Nov 16, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Most people have seen how much enjoyment children and pets gain from play. However, new research is showing how vital play is to our brains. This research has demonstrated that our minds view play as a necessity. Let's look at the research that was conducted, what outcomes they found, and how it affects you. A famous psychological experiment was conducted on Jason, a Labrador Retriever. Before the experiment, he was trained to associate the leash with being allowed to go outside. He got great enjoyment from these outdoor experiences. However, being a dog, he also loved food. The simple experiment...

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How Our Lives Can Be Shaped By An Innate Play Nature
Wed, Nov 04, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Allowing children to experience free play is an essential aspect of childhood. It will enable them to experiment with the world. Through play, they can learn more about how things work. It can also ensure that children develop physically. For example, lifting toy trucks can be a great way to build muscles in their arms. Finally, by inviting other children around for play dates, you will be able to improve their social skills. The more that you watch your children play, the more you might start to spot patterns. These can give clues to their innate play nature. Let's look...

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How Shade Shelters Can Protect Children From Sun Cancer
Thu, Oct 22, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Parents often try to find ways to improve the health of their children. This can usually be finding ways to make sure that they get the right food and plenty of exercise. However, they should also consider how to protect their children from sun cancer. Research has shown that getting a few sunburns in childhood might be enough to increase significantly the chances that they will get cancer when they grow older. To protect their children, parents often use sunscreen and hats. While these solutions are highly effective, they can also be impractical. For example, most schools won't have the...

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National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
Wed, Oct 07, 20 . Austin Stanfel
With the sedentary lifestyle that modern children live these days, obesity has become a critical health issue with studies showing that one in three children in the United States of America is obese. Obesity brings with it several health challenges that were unheard of in the last century - like type 2 diabetes, heart-related issues, blood pressure anomalies. What's even worse is that - children with obesity problems get bullied more often than their slim peers, and as a result of that, they start developing symptoms of depression, anxiety and they start isolating themselves socially. Obesity gained from childhood almost...

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How to Make a Rope Playground
Mon, Sep 28, 20 . Austin Stanfel
The children of today are exposed to technology even before they take their first steps - saying this, might be a slight exaggeration of facts though. The easy access that children have to technology like mobile phones and tablets makes it pretty tough to keep them away from these devices for an extended period. And you know what happens when you try to pull these devices away from them - all hell would break loose. The solution for a seemingly impossible situation like this - adventure games, and even more specifically - rope games. Such games pique the interest of...

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Prevention of Play Desert in Communities
Tue, Sep 22, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Try to think of the time when you used to be a child. Did you have a playground or a park near your house? Was it possible for you to walk to the park with your siblings or parents, to engage in meaningful playing outdoors?Nowadays, many American children do not enjoy the luxury of having a safe playground in their neighborhood. It is difficult to imagine that the number of play opportunities for children is very less throughout the country. A 'Play Desert' is a community in which playgrounds are almost non-existent. This is a term that municipal leader and...

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Incorporating Language Arts Into Playtime
Thu, Sep 10, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Language expressions are the term commonly utilized by instructors to depict the educational program zone that includes four methods of language: tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing. Language expressions instructing establishes an especially significant zone in instructor training. And since tuning in, talking, perusing, and composing penetrate the educational program; they are fundamental to learning and to the show of learning in each substance region. Instructors are accused of directing understudies toward capability in these four language modes, which can be thoroughly analyzed in a few different ways. Tuning in and communicating include oral language and are frequently alluded to...

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Why Educational Toys Can Be Good
Fri, Sep 04, 20 . Austin Stanfel
Children always like to explore and learn things from what they touch, hearing, and see. They look at the world and wonder what this place and the nature of everything they live in is. Parents help their children grow and understand it all through educational toys. These toys help children in their growth by raising their IQ, fulfilling curiosities they may have, and help them learn of the world through the unlimited source called fun. The designs of these toys encourage children to get creative through different shapes and sizes which teach children how some things are made. It is...

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What Makes A Perfect Playground
Wed, Aug 26, 20 . Austin Stanfel
The first purpose-built public playground was opened in 1859 in England. One hundred sixty years later, the playground still exists and is useful in every major park in the world. Children see a playground as a stage, where every section is its entity. It is something they can rule on their own, and the parents can relax. But all playgrounds are not made equal. Playgrounds have various imperfections, some that could hinder their development or be unsafe that they can get hurt. So, what makes a perfect playground?A perfect playground must be set in the right place where everyone in...

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The Importance of Nature and Play
Wed, Aug 19, 20 . Austin Stanfel
During the growing years of a child, play is the most prominent activity. It not only creates a lifetime supply of memories but plays a crucial role in defining the characteristics of an individual. For youngsters, play is learning. There is no better space for children to learn than the outside, and there is no preferred play asset over nature. Probably the best exercise youngsters can be instructed in their initial years is to play outside. Kids intrinsically receive incredible rewards as they develop association and valuation for the indigenous habitat. In the organized, occupied, and mechanically propelled world we...

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